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    Our Community Eye Care Services

    Our Commitment To The Society

    Strive To Eradicate Blindness & Provide Quality Eye Care To Any Person Irrespective Of Their Economic Condition

    At the top of the pyramid of an Eye care service delivery network is a specialized referral and treatment centre. Sahu Eye Hospital Orlem, Malad, usually for referral from primary and secondary medical care professionals, has highly trained medical with Paramedical personnel for all sub-specialty care to treat complex and serious conditions.

    Complicated cases are identified and brought back to the Sahu Eye Hospital Orlem, Malad Tertiary in Mumbai, which is with state of-the-art technology and the latest equipment with expert staff to ensure the best possible outcome after eye surgery.

    Camps Organized

    Patient Screened



    Childhood Refractive Error
    Sahu Community Eye care Charkop Centre, Secondary Level
    – Satellite Hospital

    Our Sahu Community Eye care Charkop Center, Secondary Level – Satellite Hospital at the secondary level equipped to do routine surgeries, including cataract with the phacoemulsification technique. There is well-qualified senior ophthalmologist, trained Optometrists & paramedics permanently stationed at hospital. Specialists from Base Hospital visit these hospitals at least once a week.

    Primary Level
    – Vision Centres/ Peripheries/ Camps

    The primary level consists of 20 fixed Vision Centres, which provide primary eye care services including refraction and post-operative care. These Vision Centres operate from both the Base as well as community Eye Care centre, covering the entire north division of Mumbai.Each vision centre with a varying population of 50,000 to 1,00,000. At these centres, patients identified for surgery are taken to either the Base Hospital or the community eye care centre under the purview of which the vision Centre is functioning. For post-operative follow ups the patients visit the Vision Centres.

    Under the aegis of Kamal Welfare Trust, Sahu Eye Hospital also caters to the weaker sections of the community, by providing preventive and curative services through its mobile van across Mumbai. The institution has also been involved in providing pediatric eye care for underprivileged school children.

    Apart from expanding its own network of Vision Centres, Sahu Eye Hospital is currently working with Governments and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Mumbai to create easy access to good eye care for several million people. They are all in different stages of establishing several Vision Centres as a pilot. Indian Development Foundation (IDF), the India’s largest NGO has established eighteen vision centres as a pilot venture, with Sahu Eye Hospital’s full involvement. IDF intends to scale it up to 100 centres immediately and eventually expand it across the nation.

    The Only Thing Worse Than Being Blind
    Is Having Sight
    But No Vision
    A doctor giving eye drop in a patient's eye - Sahu Eye Hospital